

发布时间: 2024-05-16 23:17:43北京青年报社官方账号





"Convenient payment services sound simple, but they can encourage immense spending growth," said Alexander Yin, chief financial officer at TGC, the parent company of ePassi, the Finnish payment terminal provider that works in partnership with Alipay.


"Collection monitors, security workers, custodial workers — they all chipped in to help," said Cowan. Fittingly entitled Essential, the episode features three interviewees – an author who had made visiting the Met every day her 2020 New Year's resolution; an artist who has published two books of figure-drawing out of her intense people-watching inside the galleries; and Angela Reynolds, the Met's assistant building manager for maintenance who heads the custodial team, whose members also were in charge of cleaning the building "the way they would have done in a hospital".


"China will not have any problem at all meeting its growth target," he said at a news conference while speaking about the country's economic achievements since 2013. "The Chinese economy's stabilizing and improving trend remains unchanged and the whole-year results could be even better (than the target)."


"Consumers in China are very demanding, and the generation gap of consumers is becoming smaller. More people are willing to pay for premium, ultra-premium and innovative dairy products," said Rahul Colaco, president of Dutch dairy producer FrieslandCampina China and chairman of the SDDDC supervisory board.


"Compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits have worked together to overcome difficulties, maintained warm people-to-people exchanges, and forged closer bonds," he noted in the article. "The year 2020 will be the year when we finish building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and complete the 13th five-year plan, marking a milestone for the Chinese nation toward its rejuvenation."


